Physiotherapy Auckland recommended Exercises For Muscle Injuries

Julian Considine | January 29, 2022 | 0 | Physiotherapy

Looking For psychotherapy in Auckland? If you are injured, it is important that you get the injury healed up correctly. You can’t just go to an afternoon physiotherapy and expect your injuries to be fixed in only one hour. Muscles need time to heal, but not too much time – otherwise muscle atrophy will set in. For minor injuries, physiotherapy exercises at home are an excellent way to speed up your recovery because it is a little bit difficult to find psychotherapy in Auckland. These exercises which are mentioned in the article can be easily made part of your daily schedule, with the added benefit that you do not have to go anywhere and spend any money.

There are some simple rules for performing physiotherapist Auckland exercises: don’t stretch too far past healthy limits, and stop immediately if it hurts!

Knee injuries – the knee only has one muscle that controls flexion and extension, so if you have an injury in your quadriceps or hamstring muscles then you are really screwed.

What are the Best Physiotherapist Auckland Exercises for Muscle Injuries?=

If you have an injury to either of your hamstring muscles, the Physiotherapy Exercises for Muscle Injuries you should do are:

Physiotherapist Auckland Exercise 1 – Hamstring Stretch

Instructions: Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Put one leg up, making sure that it is at 90 degrees to your body. Straighten your leg as much as you can, and hold it there for 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Repeat with the other leg

Remember not to stretch too far! If you are injured, you are doing more harm than good if this exercise is causing pain. Reduce the range of motion until you no longer feel any pain – then you’re ready to start increasing the stretch.This is one of the best Physiotherapist Auckland exercises.

psychotherapy in Auckland

If you have an injury to either of your quadriceps muscles, the Physiotherapy Exercises for Muscle Injuries you should do are:

Physiotherapy Exercise 2 – Quadricep Stretch

Instructions: Sit on the floor with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lunge forwards with one leg, so that it is bent at a 90 degree angle and your other leg is straight behind you. Straighten the bent leg as much as possible without producing any pain, and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

You can also do this exercise while standing by leaning against a wall.

Repeat with the other leg. Remember not to stretch too far! If you are injured, you are doing more harm than good if this exercise is causing pain. Reduce the range of motion until you no longer feel any pain – then you’re ready to start increasing the stretch.

Therefore, it is difficult to find physiotherapy in Auckland but these three are the most suitable exercises for those who are suffering from muscle injuries. For more information visit our Website.

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