Enhance Your Smile With Dental Implants Boca Raton

Julian Considine | November 10, 2021 | 0 | Uncategorized

Looking for Dental implants Boca Raton? If you have sustained damage to one or more of your teeth due to accident, decay, or anything, your smile could have significantly taken a hit. You don’t have to put up with it, and end up having your self-esteem affected, unable to smile in public. Dental implants Boca Raton can offer you the advice and guidance you need about the dental implants procedure. That will help you know whether or not this procedure is right for you.

Dental Implants Boca Raton Explained

For a dental implant procedure to be performed on you, you need to be in proper health and have sufficient healthy bone for supporting the implants. When you visit the dentist in Boca Raton, he will examine your teeth; take x-rays, and molds of your teeth following a consultation. You’ll need to provide him with a list of non-prescription and prescription medications if there are any that you take. You also need to answer some important medical questions.

The dentist will offer you a dose of anesthesia and then make a small incision into your gum, uncovering the done in your jaw during your first dental implant surgery. He will drill a hole into that bine, place the dental implant and then stitch the gum closed around the implant. The dentist will often take x-rays to make sure that the implant is placed properly.

Dental implants Boca Raton

After some months, the bone will be attached to the implant. It’s at this time when the dentist will get into the next phase of dental implant surgery. At this moment, he will inject you with the local anesthesia and make another small incision to uncover the dental implant. He will then replace the protective screw set up during the first surgery with an abutment.

The healing will take only a few weeks. After that, the dentist Pompano Beach will install a crown or bridge during the third and final stage of the dental implant procedure.

What are the Benefits?

There are many benefits of dental implants. One of them is to enhance your smile. Dental implants are also more comfortable than dentures. They don’t slip like dentures and are more durable than dentures. With good care, dental implants can last a lifetime.


Your teeth whitening dentist contribute greatly to how you look and to your overall well-being. With the help of dental implants Boca Raton, you can achieve the smile you always wanted.

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